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Ensure a Fast and Secure Check-in for Your Event

Import and send badges

Import your participant Excel files or manage online registrations. Then, send guests access badges with a QR Code, which they can present at the event entrance to hosts using the check-in app.

Last-minute guest? Register them directly on the participant list (even if your event has already started).

Import et envoi de badges
Scan de badge événement

Scan, Check, Done!

With our ultra-fast scanning app, manage arrivals in a flash, even without an internet connection. Scan a QR code on a mobile or tablet, and your participants are checked in instantly!

Old-school? Type in a name or surname to check in within seconds.

Available on iOS and as a Web-App, no download required, 100% efficient!

Real-time Analysis & Reporting!

Access live data on entries, exits, and participation rates. Measure attendance, analyze no-shows, and generate detailed reports to reorganize your staff or future events.

Need a detailed report? Export your data with one click in CSV or XLS format.

Stay informed about the number of attendees at your event, the most visited sessions, or the speakers who had the most success.

Statistiques événement taux de participation
Controle d'accès événement digital

Control access to your online events

Is your event hybrid or digital, and you want to control access? You can manage access and ensure the security of your event.

Protect your event and make sure only authorized people can attend. Limit access with a password, guest quota, or even advanced security options like SSO (Single Sign-On).

Private meetings, confidential product launches, online courses or training – secure all types of events!

Ready to start your event?

Get immediate access to all the features you need to invite and welcome your participants.

Our solutions for every need

  • Réunions & ateliers
  • Webinaire
  • Événement Hybride
  • Séminaire
Réunions & ateliers

Réunions & ateliers

Organisez et gérez vos ateliers et événements en toute simplicité avec Wisembly. De la préparation à l'analyse post-événement, notre plateforme événementielle vous accompagne à chaque étape.



Centralisez l’organisation de votre webinaire sur une plateforme événementielle fiable et sécurisée. De la gestion de vos participants jusqu’à l’analyse des résultats de votre événement, la plateforme Wisembly vous offre un outil collaboratif complet !

Événement Hybride

Événement Hybride

Touchez un public plus large, en incluant les personnes qui ne peuvent pas se rendre physiquement à votre événement.



Wisembly vous accompagne dans l'organisation de votre séminaire engageant via sa plateforme événementielle sur mesure et entièrement personnalisable.

Logo crédit agricole

Wisembly enabled us to engage and involve our audience during our hybrid conference. Thanks to the chat facility, both on-site and remote participants were able to post their questions and comments throughout the conference.

Véronique RAISON, Crédit Agricole
Fonctionnalités Wisembly - Elipse

All your events, all your formats,
controlled from a single source thanks to an
100% engaging solution!

Our other features to enhance your event

  • Reach a live and remote audience and schedule speaking engagements for up to 25 simultaneous speakers and up to 20,000 participants. Give your participants the ability to appear on screen on demand and speak. Share your screen and presentations with a click. Create virtual rooms and group your participants by topic.

    Remote uses
  • Networking is at the heart of your event! Give your participants an interactive platform to connect, meet industry leaders, share ideas, and grow their network.

    By making it easy to connect, you boost your event’s value and encourage collaboration. Turn every interaction into an opportunity!

    In-person uses
  • Knowing your numbers is the key to success!

    Collect all the key data on engagement: reactions, questions, votes, sign-ups, check-ins, and more.

    With clear reports and graphs, measure what really matters, like your collaborators’ involvement. Identify the key moments and track your ROI*.

    And because a key asset for any event organizer is the NPS*, never miss the opportunity to collect feedback.

    Statistics & reporting
  • Schedule, automate, and send your invitations without any limits. Automated confirmation emails, strategic follow-ups, and personalized emails: save time and boost your participation rate.

    Revolutionize your event communication!

    Event management
  • Knowing your numbers is the key to success!

    Collect all the key data on engagement: reactions, questions, votes, sign-ups, check-ins, and more.

    With clear reports and graphs, measure what really matters, like your collaborators’ involvement. Identify the key moments and track your ROI*.

    And because a key asset for any event organizer is the NPS*, never miss the opportunity to collect feedback.

    Statistics & reporting