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Customize Your Event , Reflect Your Brand’s Essence with Wisembly

Custom Branding

Personalize the appearance of your entire event: colors, themes, logos… With Wisembly, every detail can be adjusted throughout your creation process to perfectly match your brand’s identity.

Personnalisation Evénement Professionnel
Personnalisation de la page de l'événement

A showcase site that reflects your brand

The event page is the perfect tool to promote your conferences, workshops, webinars, or roundtables and share your agenda, registration form, partners, and speakers.
This event website becomes the essential entry point for registrations, preparation, and immersion in the universe of your event. A personalized experience is within your reach!

Adapt your registration forms

Create personalized registration pages with customizable fields (text, dropdown, single choice, checkboxes, videos, etc.). Each field is designed to collect the essential information from your participants.
You have the freedom to organize them as you wish so that each form fits perfectly with your needs and the experience you want to offer.

Personnalisation formulaire d'inscription evenement
Live Event Personnalisation

Branding and stage projection!

Align your event with your graphic charter by integrating visuals and logos directly into your live stream!
Your speakers can project their presentations and other materials with your branding, ensuring that your participants experience a fully immersive and professional visual experience.

Mobile interface

Offer them a mobile interface that reflects your brand.

To capture their attention and engage them, easily customize interactive modules like quizzes, polls, and surveys. Every interaction with your event will reflect your brand’s essence.

Personnalisation Quiz, Votes, Questionnaires, Chat

Responsive for All Screens

Whether on mobile, tablet, or computer, your event website and registration pages are optimized for all formats.

Participants will have a smooth experience no matter their device.

Ready to start your event?

Get immediate access to all the features you need to invite and welcome your participants.

Our solutions for every need

  • Conférence
  • Webinaire
  • Événement Hybride
  • Séminaire


La conférence permet de faire partager les expériences de chacun pour mieux bénéficier de l’expertise de vos collaborateurs. En format présentiel, virtuel ou hybride, il est important de bien choisir les plateformes événementielles correspondantes à vos besoins.



Centralisez l’organisation de votre webinaire sur une plateforme événementielle fiable et sécurisée. De la gestion de vos participants jusqu’à l’analyse des résultats de votre événement, la plateforme Wisembly vous offre un outil collaboratif complet !

Événement Hybride

Événement Hybride

Touchez un public plus large, en incluant les personnes qui ne peuvent pas se rendre physiquement à votre événement.



Wisembly vous accompagne dans l'organisation de votre séminaire engageant via sa plateforme événementielle sur mesure et entièrement personnalisable.

Logo crédit agricole

Wisembly enabled us to engage and involve our audience during our hybrid conference. Thanks to the chat facility, both on-site and remote participants were able to post their questions and comments throughout the conference.

Véronique RAISON, Crédit Agricole
Fonctionnalités Wisembly - Elipse

All your events, all your formats,
controlled from a single source thanks to an
100% engaging solution!

Our other features to enhance your event

  • Easily create custom registration forms for your webinars, seminars, or professional events with Wisembly. Choose the fields you need, customize them, and share your forms with just one click.

    Event management
  • Knowing your numbers is the key to success!

    Collect all the key data on engagement: reactions, questions, votes, sign-ups, check-ins, and more.

    With clear reports and graphs, measure what really matters, like your collaborators’ involvement. Identify the key moments and track your ROI*.

    And because a key asset for any event organizer is the NPS*, never miss the opportunity to collect feedback.

    Statistics & reporting
  • Networking is at the heart of your event! Give your participants an interactive platform to connect, meet industry leaders, share ideas, and grow their network.

    By making it easy to connect, you boost your event’s value and encourage collaboration. Turn every interaction into an opportunity!

    In-person uses
  • Say goodbye to endless queues!

    Manage your check-ins easily and securely. Whether it’s a trade show, a conference, or a hybrid event, automate and streamline your access control: QR code, badge scanning, scanning app, and more.

    Provide your guests with a fast and memorable entry to welcome them in the best possible conditions.

    In-person uses
  • Easily create custom registration forms for your webinars, seminars, or professional events with Wisembly. Choose the fields you need, customize them, and share your forms with just one click.

    Event management