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Revolutionize your events by adopting Interactivity !

Get your audience involved!

Chat endlessly:

Turn your event into a true exchange with the chat!

Stay in control: moderate messages, organize them by tags, and highlight those that need special attention. Track the most reacted messages or those that have not been addressed yet.

Live Q&A!

With the “Q&A” module, your participants can ask questions in real-time, and your speakers will see them instantly. Create an environment where every participant feels heard!

Chat et Q&A - Intéractivité événement
Réactions live, emojis, moods

Share your emotions

The “MOODS”:

Inspired by live reactions on social media, this feature allows your audience to react to the event in real-time by sending emojis.

This makes your event more dynamic! With moods, you’ll be able to identify the highlights of your speech and what topics have “buzzed.”

From Engagement to Action!

Choose from six types of votes:

  • Single choice: one participant, one answer.
  • Multiple choice: several answers possible.
  • Rating: rate with a scale.
  • Open question: for free answers.
  • Image vote: choose the image that speaks the most!
  • Ranking: make your participants compete.

Word clouds:
Ask your audience a question and watch the responses appear. A great way to capture attention at the beginning of your event!

Perfect for interactive conferences or brainstorming sessions.
A simple, but effective group dynamic.

Quiz, votes, sondages, notation
Classement interactivité

The spirit of competition: Test, Challenge, Win

Launch a quiz to test your audience’s knowledge. Customize your questions, display answers, and determine the ranking based on correct answers and participants’ response times.

Stimulate engagement and collaboration with individual or team rankings.

Professional knowledge tests, quiz nights, or team-building activities, your participants will be eager to compete and shine!

In-person or hybrid events

Project quizzes, polls, and chats in real-time on a giant screen so your speakers can instantly engage with their audience.

This feature will turn your in-person event into a true exchange hub!

Give your participants true immersion and make them feel fully involved in your event.

Sondage projection sur scène

Gather their feedback

At the end of your event, send a satisfaction survey to gather your participants’ impressions.

It’s the perfect opportunity to find out what they liked, what could be improved, and how to make your next events even more engaging.

A valuable feedback to adjust your strategies and better meet your audience’s expectations.

Discover the Peaks of Interaction

Finally, analyze the engagement of your participants with clear statistics.

The engagement curve allows you to see at a glance where and when interactions took place, whether during a quiz, a poll, or in the chat. This provides you with valuable insights to understand the key moments of your event


Ready to start your event?

Get immediate access to all the features you need to invite and welcome your participants.

Our solutions for every need

  • Événement Hybride
  • Réunions & ateliers
  • Conférence
  • Webinaire
Événement Hybride

Événement Hybride

Touchez un public plus large, en incluant les personnes qui ne peuvent pas se rendre physiquement à votre événement.

Réunions & ateliers

Réunions & ateliers

Organisez et gérez vos ateliers et événements en toute simplicité avec Wisembly. De la préparation à l'analyse post-événement, notre plateforme événementielle vous accompagne à chaque étape.



La conférence permet de faire partager les expériences de chacun pour mieux bénéficier de l’expertise de vos collaborateurs. En format présentiel, virtuel ou hybride, il est important de bien choisir les plateformes événementielles correspondantes à vos besoins.



Centralisez l’organisation de votre webinaire sur une plateforme événementielle fiable et sécurisée. De la gestion de vos participants jusqu’à l’analyse des résultats de votre événement, la plateforme Wisembly vous offre un outil collaboratif complet !

Logo crédit agricole

Wisembly enabled us to engage and involve our audience during our hybrid conference. Thanks to the chat facility, both on-site and remote participants were able to post their questions and comments throughout the conference.

Véronique RAISON, Crédit Agricole
Fonctionnalités Wisembly - Elipse

All your events, all your formats,
controlled from a single source thanks to an
100% engaging solution!

Our other features to enhance your event

  • Easily create an event page without any technical skills. Whether for a product launch, a conference, or a webinar, offer your guests a unique and professional digital experience tailored to your brand: colors, fonts, content, visuals, etc.

    Your event site becomes the ideal platform to showcase your events.

    Event management
  • Customize everything from A to Z: from presentation pages to live projections, everything is designed to provide a unique and tailored experience for your participants.

    No need to be a developer! Whether you're a beginner or an expert, enjoy simple customization options to create an event that reflects your style!

    Event management
  • Reach a live and remote audience and schedule speaking engagements for up to 25 simultaneous speakers and up to 20,000 participants. Give your participants the ability to appear on screen on demand and speak. Share your screen and presentations with a click. Create virtual rooms and group your participants by topic.

    Remote uses
  • Knowing your numbers is the key to success!

    Collect all the key data on engagement: reactions, questions, votes, sign-ups, check-ins, and more.

    With clear reports and graphs, measure what really matters, like your collaborators’ involvement. Identify the key moments and track your ROI*.

    And because a key asset for any event organizer is the NPS*, never miss the opportunity to collect feedback.

    Statistics & reporting
  • Transform your physical events, trade shows, and conferences with the presentation mode. Broadcast your videos, documents, and interactive elements directly on stage!

    Offer your participants an immersive experience without wasting time on technical management.

    In-person uses