Broadcast big and master your event at every moment!
Project Without Difficulty!
Project all your content, whether slides, videos, images, PDFs, or others. In presentation mode, you have total freedom to share your visual materials smoothly while keeping control over what’s displayed.
Projection mode is designed to adapt to large seminar rooms and in-person or hybrid events.
Forget about technical issues: everything is automatically optimized for your screens without any loss of quality.

Everything under control!
An Engaging Experience!
With Wisembly, capture your audience’s attention and turn them into active participants with live polls, Q&A sessions, and quizzes. A simple scan of a QR code is all it takes for each participant to join in real-time.
With animations, an interactive chat, and customizable modules, make every presentation lively and engaging.
An event to experience, not just watch!

Speaker Preparation
Give your speakers a dedicated space before their presentation. They can access a secure interface to:
- Test their equipment at ease: Microphone, camera, presentation… Everything is checked before going live.
- Familiarize themselves with the platform: Explore features, navigate easily between sections, and make sure everything is in place.
- Coordinate with organizers: Exchange messages, validate visual materials, and fine-tune last-minute details.
Wisembly enabled us to engage and involve our audience during our hybrid conference. Thanks to the chat facility, both on-site and remote participants were able to post their questions and comments throughout the conference.