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Transform Your Event Statistics into Success Levers with Wisembly!

Collect Your Data

Benefit from real-time tracking of participant numbers, sign-ups, and interactions for a clear overview.

Who is attending your events? Have they attended before? How frequently? Where do they come from? Are there different profiles? What topics attract them? What is the retention rate? What are the interaction and engagement rates?

Our platform cross-references your data to uncover key trends.

Statistiques événement taux de participation
Statistiques événementielles détaillées

A Quick and Global View

Access clean graphs and a list of reports to analyze your performance. Visualize your KPIs, measure your ROI, and easily adjust your strategies with insights based on concrete data.

ROI = Return on Investment*

Keep an Eye on Your Engagement Curve

Take a step back and observe the highlights of your event with a chronological view of the data. Now you’ll know what your participants like most, even when they’re connecting remotely.

Courbe d'engagement événement
Statistiques générales

Measure Your Marketing Performance

Optimize your communication campaigns: track real-time sign-up conversion rates, analyze email open rates and clicks, and identify the levers to improve your marketing impact.

Get a Pulse on Your Participants!

Gather their feedback with satisfaction surveys while enjoying stats on interactions, moods, and votes. Export results in no time to adjust your upcoming events and easily calculate your NPS*.

NPS = Net Promoter Score*

Ready to start your event?

Get immediate access to all the features you need to invite and welcome your participants.

Our solutions for every need

  • Événement Hybride
  • Réunions & ateliers
  • Séminaire
  • Conférence
Événement Hybride

Événement Hybride

Touchez un public plus large, en incluant les personnes qui ne peuvent pas se rendre physiquement à votre événement.

Réunions & ateliers

Réunions & ateliers

Organisez et gérez vos ateliers et événements en toute simplicité avec Wisembly. De la préparation à l'analyse post-événement, notre plateforme événementielle vous accompagne à chaque étape.



Wisembly vous accompagne dans l'organisation de votre séminaire engageant via sa plateforme événementielle sur mesure et entièrement personnalisable.



La conférence permet de faire partager les expériences de chacun pour mieux bénéficier de l’expertise de vos collaborateurs. En format présentiel, virtuel ou hybride, il est important de bien choisir les plateformes événementielles correspondantes à vos besoins.

Logo crédit agricole

Wisembly enabled us to engage and involve our audience during our hybrid conference. Thanks to the chat facility, both on-site and remote participants were able to post their questions and comments throughout the conference.

Véronique RAISON, Crédit Agricole
Fonctionnalités Wisembly - Elipse

All your events, all your formats,
controlled from a single source thanks to an
100% engaging solution!

Our other features to enhance your event

  • Easily create custom registration forms for your webinars, seminars, or professional events with Wisembly. Choose the fields you need, customize them, and share your forms with just one click.

    Event management
  • Knowing your numbers is the key to success!

    Collect all the key data on engagement: reactions, questions, votes, sign-ups, check-ins, and more.

    With clear reports and graphs, measure what really matters, like your collaborators’ involvement. Identify the key moments and track your ROI*.

    And because a key asset for any event organizer is the NPS*, never miss the opportunity to collect feedback.

    Statistics & reporting
  • Organize your events with style using an all-in-one solution!

    With Wisembly, everything is designed to transform your visitors into participants. Create a free ticketing system, customize it to match your brand, and manage every step with just a few clicks. A professional and 100% personalized experience to make your event a success!

    In-person uses
  • Say goodbye to endless queues!

    Manage your check-ins easily and securely. Whether it’s a trade show, a conference, or a hybrid event, automate and streamline your access control: QR code, badge scanning, scanning app, and more.

    Provide your guests with a fast and memorable entry to welcome them in the best possible conditions.

    In-person uses
  • Organize your events with style using an all-in-one solution!

    With Wisembly, everything is designed to transform your visitors into participants. Create a free ticketing system, customize it to match your brand, and manage every step with just a few clicks. A professional and 100% personalized experience to make your event a success!

    In-person uses